The phenomenon of the digital state as a state of postmodern type: theoretical and legal and political science aspects
The article, based on the latest achievements of theoretical and legal science and other related scientific disciplines, comprehensively explores the theoretical, legal and political science aspects of the phenomenon of the digital state as a state of postmodern type. Based on a comprehensive analysis of trends in the information society (within the sixth technological system), it is substantiated that the emergence and development of the digital state are associated with the processes of digitalization of public relations and public administration. It is concluded that this state is ontologically, institutionally and functionally radically different from most modern states and is a kind of innovative political and legal example for technological and organizational and managerial “imitation” given the clear proactive influence on the formation of information society with innovative type of economic development. It is substantiated that due to the formation of the digital state a qualitatively new level of interaction between the state, society and citizens is achieved, the channels of direct and feedback between them are strengthened; communication of civil society and its institutions with the state is simplified and diversified; the state contributes more to the socio-economic development of society, responds faster and more effectively to new challenges to this development; the state acquires a more pronounced “service” character due to the simplification of the system of public access to administrative services, their diversification, increasing the transparency of the public administration system, reducing corruption risks in it, and so on. The digital state is interpreted as a type of state, adequate to the state of the information society, but at the same time - as an unstable state form, which is undergoing significant dynamics. It is shown that it correlates with the sixth technological structure as a criterion for distinguishing types of state development.
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