Psychiatric care or protection of the mental health of the nation: new approaches in reforming psychiatry
The current state of the psychiatric care system in Ukraine and its legal regulation have been analyzed. Emphasis is placed on positive changes in national legislation, in particular in the construction of the organizational structure of the mental health care system in Ukraine. The factors of reforming the system of providing psychiatric care in Ukraine have been singled out. The relationship between the concepts of “psychiatric care” and “mental health care” has been analyzed and the author’s definition of “mental health care” has been formulated.
The organizational structure of the mental health care system of the secondary level of psychiatric care in Ukraine has been proposed, which should include: a) consultation centers, where psychiatric and psychological assistance and rehabilitation support should be provided; b) day hospital in polyclinics; c) psychiatric hospitals.
The expediency of the development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On the mental health care system”, the approval of the Regulation on the procedure for providing psychiatric care based on the principle of a multidisciplinary team, the Procedure for the interaction of subjects which are service providers in the field of mental health care has been substantiated. It has been proposed to make changes to the Handbook of qualification characteristics of workers’ professions and the State Classifier of Ukraine in order to bring them into line with international standards. These are psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, etc. At the same time, it should be focused on the profession, and not on the position or place of work in the field of mental health care. The expediency of developing and introducing programs for the prevention of mental health problems and ensuring the implementation of effective control over the observance of human rights in the field of mental health care has been substantiated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 I. V. Chekhovska, S. V. Knysh, H. V. Muliar

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