Preventive activity of the National Police on juvenile prevention
On the basis of the norms of administrative law and current legislation analysis, the preventive activities of the National Police on juvenile prevention were investigated. Consideration of the specified problems within the scope of the article allows to expand the traditional approach to juvenile prevention, not only to connect the issue of prevention of offenses with the prevention of criminal offenses among children, but also to develop measures aimed at preventing administrative offenses committed by this category of persons, as well as the implementation of activities, related to the protection of children’s rights. For this purpose, the role of the National Police units for juvenile prevention in the prevention and counteraction of criminal and administrative offenses through the prism of the main tasks that rely on the latter was clarified and disclosed, and measures aimed at improving preventive and prophylactic work to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of children were also highlighted.
It has been found that in the context of the formation of the National Police and the creation of a body aimed at providing high-quality police services to the population, juvenile prevention units direct their efforts to ensure and protect the rights of children. It has been proven that the preventive activity of the National Police on juvenile prevention is regulated by the norms of administrative law, the activity of juvenile prevention units, the content of which is preventive and prophylactic work to ensure the rights and legitimate interests of children, prevent children from committing criminal and administrative offenses, identify the causes and conditions that this is facilitated by taking measures to eliminate them, as well as implementing the norms of current legislation in terms of preventing and countering domestic violence committed by and in relation to children, preventing child neglect and carrying out pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses in the form of an inquiry within the scope of competence.
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