Actualization of peacekeeping activity priority directions in the conditions of current Russian-Ukrainian war on the example of police structures of the countries of the world and Ukraine
The issue of the effectiveness of peacekeeping educational processes on the basis of national patriotic education has been updated, taking into account global challenges and threats. It is proposed to create appropriate effective forms of education and science with emphasis on the training and retraining of peacekeeping personnel in the direction of conducting effective trainings, scientific research, lectures on various platforms (online auditoriums, amphitheatres, etc.). The formation of the necessary peacemaking skills is a guarantee of the stability of the state, especially regarding the unification around the solution of such issues as ecocide, genocide, modern states of war, ethnic hatred, racism, violence in the family, regarding the solution of various kinds of conflicts, communication and cooperation with issues of peace and security both in a separate country and in the world.
Important issues of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel, requirements for peacekeepers, methodological principles that can be adapted to police and other spheres of activity were also considered. In general, the development of professional competences in these areas is very important. Definitions of the terms “charitable activity”, “volunteer activity”, “peacemaking activity” are given, and their relationship is considered. The author’s definition of the concept of peacekeeping police activity is proposed. It is emphasized that the development of an effective model of peacekeeping policy is important for the formation of various branches of legal and social life, the construction of legal norms, sanction policy, which is carried out with the help of humane methods of legal regulation and, in general, concentrates the standards of the culture of behavior, the coherence of free expression of will on the basis of concepts peace, peacemaking, which is reflected in the formation of a legal culture based on the fundamental, universally recognized principles of law.
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