Access to information about the activities of the Security Service of Ukraine in the context of countering disinformation
Rapid globalization and informatization of everyday processes, mass use of Internet resources and social networks contribute to the uncontrolled spread of disinformation. A general analysis of the concept of disinformation was carried out, its various interpretations were considered, and it was highlighted in broad and narrow understandings. The measures implemented by Ukraine to combat this dangerous phenomenon are outlined. Separate characteristics of the concept of “disinformation” are provided.
On the example of the Security Service of Ukraine, the peculiarities of citizens' access to information about its activities are considered, the possibility of using mechanisms of access to public information in the context of countering disinformation about the state body is investigated. Thus, the role of timely and high-quality filling of official web resources of authorities, in particular the Security Service of Ukraine, was considered. It has been proven that the sites are official sources of reliable information about the work of state bodies, which is why they most often become the object of cyber attacks.
The effectiveness of speeches in the mass media, control over the work of electronic mailboxes, as well as the peculiarities of official publications in social networks were analyzed. An overview of the official pages of the Security Service of Ukraine was carried out, and the information posted there was analyzed.
The issue of access to public information through the provision of answers to requests was studied, the list of features of the realization of the right to information in wartime was analyzed. Since operational access to public information (via official websites, social networks) that is of significant public interest and is, in particular, related to the implementation of human rights to life, health, freedom and safety (about accidents, disasters and other extraordinary events, that have happened or may happen and threaten the safety of citizens) is important in wartime conditions, then any restrictions by the state bodies on the constitutional right of citizens to send individual or collective appeals and receive a response are inadmissible.
The importance of the research lies in its universality and the possibility of practical use of the analysis results to improve the effectiveness of the work to counter disinformation of other state authorities.
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Copyright (c) 2022 A. I. Marushchak, N. O. Kudriavtseva

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