Sources of Civil and Sports Law as a sub-branch of Civil Law of Ukraine
The article is devoted to the topical issues of analysis and systematization of sources of Sports and Civil Law. The role of sports in the development of modern society is constantly growing. The development of civil and sports legal relations requires the systematization of the sources of Sports Law, which should harmonize the entire complex of normative legal acts in the field of physical culture and sports. This would make it possible to develop educational programmes for training future specialists in this field, and would raise the legal resolution of disputes in this field to a more professional level.
State policy and private financing in this area require a qualitatively new level of legal regulation. This requires the creation and systematization of legal norms regulating sports relations. In particular, among the issues that require a legislative solution are the regulation of the legal status of the athlete, the peculiarities of the protection of the rights and interests of the subjects of sports relations, and more. For this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the legal sources of Civil and Sports Law and unify them with international legal sources.
Civil and Sports Law has its own sources of law. This is the basis for its inclusion in the structure of the civil legislation of Ukraine. Systematization of civil sports legislation should be carried out through codification. This is explained by the presence of a large number of sources of Sports Law, which contain conflict of laws rules and do not always meet international requirements and standards, as a rule, they are of a general nature. It will also help to eliminate the gaps and contradictions that currently exist in the legal acts regulating the relationship between physical culture and sports. In addition, Civil and Sports Law will meet international standards, the legal status of professional athletes and other subjects of sports legal relations will become more protected, research in the field of Private Law regulation of social relations arising in the field of physical culture and sports will be intensified, it will make it possible to establish the procedure for consideration of disputes between subjects of sports legal relations more transparent.
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Copyright (c) 2022 O. A. Morhunov, I. V. Lysenko, A. M. Lysenko

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