Separate issues of Ukrainian legislation functioning on social security of medical chaplains
The justification of the need to consolidate the chaplaincy in the field of health care at the legislative level has been made, as well as the legislative provisions and initiatives regarding the introduction of pastoral care in the medical field have been analyzed.
It has been emphasized that currently the medical chaplaincy does not have the necessary legal regulation for full functioning and development and takes place exclusively at the initiative of churches and religious organizations, requiring proper legal regulation by the state.
On the basis of the analysis of the current legislation in the field of health care, a conclusion has been made regarding the need to consolidate the work of chaplains in medical institutions, to create appropriate legal regulation of their activities and training. An urgent and important task is the proper legislative regulation of the organizational and legal foundations on the implementation of pastoral care in the field of health care. It has been emphasized that the appearance of a full-time chaplain in hospitals will provide the clergy with social guarantees and ensure the spiritual and religious rights of patients undergoing treatment on the territory of Ukraine.
A deep political crisis, the appearance of a significant number of physical and psychological injuries among military personnel as a result of hostilities during the Russian-Ukrainian war, the deterioration of the socio-economic and moral and psychological state due to the pandemic has made it necessary to provide pastoral care in the field of health care.
Proposals have been made for the development of the necessary normative and legal, informational, educationaland methodical, scientific and organizational methodical base for the implementation of the institute of chaplaincy in the field of health care of Ukraine at the state level. The creation of a system of clinical training of chaplains for the needs of public health and the introduction of a specialized law regulating the activities of medical chaplains is a desirable result of the implementation of the ideas presented in the article.
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