Stages of legal liability: general and theoretical characteristics

Keywords: liability, legal liability, stages of legal liability, genesis of reasons for bringing to legal liability, bringing to legal liability and its establishment, attachment of legal liability


It has been established that stages of legal liability as a dynamic legal phenomenon are relatively independent points in the mechanism of its imposition. It has been proved that depending on the degree of establishing the objective truth in the case by the main stages of legal liability are: 1) the stage of the genesis of reasons for bringing to legal liability; 2) the stage of bringing to legal liability and its establishment; 3) the stage of attachment of legal liability. General and theoretical characteristics of the allocated stages have been provided; it has been noted that each of them is characterized with the relevant points of the genesis of legal relations of the liability and the points of their termination.


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How to Cite
Kalenichenko, L. I. (2018) “Stages of legal liability: general and theoretical characteristics”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 77(2), pp. 19-26. Available at: (Accessed: 22January2025).