The state of scientific development of the problem of operational and investigative counteraction by criminal police units to the promotion of criminally illegal activities of an organized group or criminal organization
The article examines the state of scientific development of assistance to criminally illegal activities of an organized group or criminal organization in the context of consideration of various aspects of operational and investigative counteraction to criminal wrongdoing by criminal police units.
The relevance of the topic is proved, the priority directions that will contribute to the solution of the scientific problem are determined. It is proved that this scientific problem is insufficiently paid attention to in the works of domestic specialists in the field of operative-investigative activity, as well as at the level of dissertation and monographic research, the problem of operational and investigative counteraction by criminal police units is insufficiently studied in the field of operational and investigative activities. It is noted that solving the problems of counteracting the state of illegal activities of organized groups or criminal organizations requires a comprehensive approach and implementation of appropriate measures by the government and society to promote processes to prevent illegal activities, neutralize existing groups and organizations, overcome the consequences of participants these communities.
It is emphasized that the priority is scientific problems related to the provision of freelancers of operational development of persons who contribute to the illegal activities of organized groups or criminal organizations; using criminal analytics to identify individuals who contribute to the illegal activities of organized groups or criminal organizations; separation of the category of persons who contribute to the illegal activities of organized groups or criminal organizations in the operational records of the National Police of Ukraine; the use of covert investigative (search) actions against persons who contribute to the illegal activities of organized groups or criminal organizations; conducting operational and investigative measures in order to identify primary operational and investigative information regarding persons who contribute to the illegal activities of organized groups or criminal organizations.
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