Police identification of the causes and characteristics of domestic violence against children
The article reveals the most pressing issues regarding the protection of children from domestic violence. The problem of protecting such children has certain difficulties. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of affected children are children from disadvantaged families, as a rule, few people want to protect this category of people. It is suggested to pay special attention to the peculiarities of the method of interviewing a child who has experienced domestic violence, to the procedure of interviewing such children. A list of grounds that are undesirable to use when communicating with children is identified, and recommendations for interviewing children affected by violence are provided. The main types of violence against children, subjects who commit violence against children, dangerous consequences for the society where domestic violence against children is actively manifested are described.
It is stated that in accordance with international standards and world practice, the interview of a child who is a victim of violent crimes, domestic violence or witnessed violence should be conducted in a child-friendly atmosphere, where they feel protected and comfortable. The "green room" was described as a specially equipped room for interviewing such children.
The legal status of the child is determined, the circumstances, causes and types of domestic violence against children are established. Suggestions for improving the use of tactics in the survey of this category of minors in order to effectively protect the rights and interests of the latter. The problems considered in the work relate to both theory and practice. There are two consequences for children who have experienced domestic violence, which are manifested simultaneously: harm to the victim and harm to society.
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Copyright (c) 2021 A. O. Sukhareva, B. V. Nechitaylo

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