Development of the national cybersecurity system of Ukraine as a necessary element of information society development
The article examines modern development problems of the national cybersecurity system of Ukraine. With the emergence of new challenges and threats in cyberspace, there is a need to find new methods and ways to combat cybercrime and cyberterrorism. The current state of the fight against cybercrime in Ukraine and the prospects for capacity building and reform of the main subjects in cybersecurity in Ukraine are outlined.
In the course of the research general philosophical, comparative and phenomenological methods were used. The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of building the national cybersecurity system of Ukraine in the context of information society development. Among cyber threats, special attention is paid to cyberattacks based on ransomware viruses.
The need to implement the provisions of the Convention on Cybercrime, in particular in the context of the draft Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime to strengthen cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence, in particular on direct cooperation with service providers (Article 6) and domain names registration services (Article 7), for the disclosure of information for the identification of suspects, accelerated forms of cooperation between the Parties for the disclosure of subscriber information and traffic data (Article 8), acceleration of cooperation and disclosure of information in emergencies (Articles 9 and 10). Attention is drawn to the unconditional fulfillment of the tasks of the new Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine, especially those related to cyber protection of critical infrastructure. It is noted that at the legislative level it is advisable to provide for cyber defense measures in peacetime and the functions of military cyber units during hostilities, as well as the possibility of preventive cyberattacks and procedures for bringing cyber defense troops to active hostilities.
The necessity of strengthening international cooperation and improving the current legislation in the conditions of growing number and complexity of cybercrimes is substantiated.
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Copyright (c) 2021 S. H. Petrov

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