Information and telecommunication system of pre-trial investigation: international experience and ways of implementation
The purpose of the article is to study the institute of pre-trial investigation and prospects for its further improvement by converting into electronic format. According to the goal, the research aims to develop a position on creating the most optimal model of information and telecommunication system of pre-trial investigation, as well as to study the prospects of its implementation and identify possible issues that may arise during pre-trial investigation in electronic format.
The introduction of electronic criminal proceedings is a very important and relevant step that will save significant time, money, reduce the time of consideration of relevant procedural documents, facilitate access of participants within their competence to the relevant materials of criminal proceedings and more. The provisions of the CPC of Ukraine already include attempts by the legislator to introduce electronic procedural proceeding, in particular through the possibility of using an electronic document and creating a Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigation. In addition, on December 15, 2021, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine on the introduction of information and telecommunications system of pre-trial investigation" came into force, the provisions of which should regulate the procedure of electronic criminal proceedings. Detailed acquaintance with its contents gives the chance to outline a number of essential lacks.
The provisions of the Ukrainian legislation and some countries of the world community on the regulation of general requirements for the implementation of electronic criminal proceedings have been summarized. With this in mind, a number of problematic theoretical and applied issues have been identified, on the basis of which scientifically sound proposals have been formulated, which are directly related to making changes and additions to the current legislation.
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