Administrative Contract in the Field of Medical Tourism: Concept and Specific Features
The spread of medical tourism requires the guarantee of its proper legal regulation. Given the increased state and public interest in this type of activity, a favorable climate for attracting investment into this area, there is a need to improve and develop forms of public administration in the field of medical tourism. Administrative contract is one of such forms.
The purpose of the article is to analyze theoretical and legal approaches to characterizing the content of the concept of “administrative contract in the field of medical tourism”, to outline the perspectives for its application in domestic law and to develop propositions for its improvement.
Public authorities and health care institutions currently use administrative contracts within management relationships, where they can act as parties or participants. Administrative contracts in the field of medical tourism can be vertical in parties (although they can be also horizontal at the interstate level), in terms of legal properties – coordination or subordination, in content – agreements of exchange of obligations or agreements on cooperation (interaction). The vast majority of administrative contracts in the field of medical tourism are agreements of exchange of obligations or agreements on cooperation (interaction), where the parties are public authorities or public authority together with the relevant medical, sanatorium-health-resort or other medical or health institution, medical research institution, subjects that carry out rehabilitation or restoration. Participants in these contracts may be travel agencies that organize travelling, contact consumers and relevant medical and other institutions, insurance companies, etc.
The author has formulated own definition of the administrative contract in the field of medical tourism. Anti-conflict, law-making and the function of unification of local rule-making in the studied area have been distinguished among the functions of the administrative contract, including in the field of medical tourism.
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