• N. I. Kriuchko Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Keywords: court, judicial system, judicial power, characteristics of the judicial power


The problems of studying and analysis of the characteristics of the judicial power as a social system have been researched. Analyzing the current state of scientific developments and legislation, the author makes the conclusion that only some elements are regulated, certain facets of the institution of the judicial power are researched, and the systemic approval of the characteristics of the judicial power remains at the desired level. This is a number of changes that take place within the framework of modern judicial reform in Ukraine, which determine the need for a deep theoretical understanding of the main features of the judicial power as a social system.

In accordance with the title and outlined problem of the research, the author tried to apply a methodology for studying the features of the judicial power that allows focusing on the study of the institution of the judicial power in the whole as a social system. It is about the systemic study format.

In the framework of this work, the author has obtained the following results: 1) it was established that an integrated approach to the definition and unity of understanding the nature of the characteristics of the judicial power as a social system had not been achieved yet; 2) scholars either studied certain features of the judicial power or their works were focused on separate elements of the study of their legal nature in the whole, or general features of the judicial power were studied as one of the branch of state power; 3) current theoretical points of view on the essence of the characteristics of the judicial power as a social system were generalized; 4) it was found out that the system attributes were offered to divide into certain groups: (a) characterizing the internal structure of the system; characterizing specific system properties; belonging to the general behavior of the system; (b) the internal characteristics of the judicial system; external properties of the judicial system; 5) the main features of the judicial power as a social system were singled out and named; 6) it was proved that the characteristics of the judicial power as a social system were multiple, diverse and multifaceted.

It has been summarized that there is a need for further detailed and comprehensive study of the characteristics of the judicial power.


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How to Cite
Kriuchko, N. I. (2018) “CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JUDICIAL POWER AS A SOCIAL SYSTEM”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 78(3), pp. 31-37. Available at: (Accessed: 22January2025).