Forensic Support for Investigating Criminal Offenses Committed against Law Enforcement Officers: Concept and Components
The subject matter of the research is the features of forensic support for investigating criminal offenses committed against law enforcement officers. The purpose of the article was to define the concept, content, structure of forensic support for investigating criminal offenses committed against law enforcement officers, as well as to reveal its components.
Special research methods have been used in order to achieve the set purpose, namely: the method of system analysis, comparative and legal method, system and structure method and the method of forecasting.
It has been emphasized that the need of studying forensic support for investigating criminal offenses committed against law enforcement officers is due to the need to provide them with effective counteraction.
According to the results of the conducted research, it has been established that the forensic support for investigating criminal offenses should be defined in two aspects – as a scientific category and as an applied one. Definitions of this concept in the specified aspects have been defined. It has been established that the constituent elements of forensic support for the investigation are defined by scholars ambiguously. In general this issue is one of the most controversial in criminalistics.
It has been determined that the constituent elements of forensic support for investigating criminal offenses committed against law enforcement officers are: regulatory, organizational and personnel, educational and methodological, technical and forensic, information and reference support. The author has provided a brief characteristic to each of the component identified in the article and has determined the main problems that arise during its implementation while investigating criminal offenses of the studied category, and possible ways to solve them.
It has been emphasized that this research only attempts to define the concept and components of forensic support for investigating criminal offenses committed against law enforcement officers, and emphasizes that certain categories require further in-depth research.
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