Administrative and Legal Status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of Prosecutors
The author of the article has studied the administrative and legal status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors. The normative and legal base regulating the administrative and legal status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors has been determined. The elements of the administrative and legal status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors have been established. The problems of implementing the administrative and legal status of Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors have been noted.
It has been offered to understand the administrative-legal status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors as a set of interrelated and interdependent elements, characteristics of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors, which are enshrined in law and determine the place of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors among other agencies.
It has been established that the elements of the administrative-legal status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors should include: powers; the procedure for forming the staff; legal guarantees of the activity; tasks and objectives of the activity.
Thus, the administrative and legal status of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors is a complex and multifaceted category that determines the place and role of the Assessment and Disciplinary Board of prosecutors among other subjects of law, and its elements are clearly regulated and defined in regulatory legal acts.
Considering the above, we note that the changes that are currently taking place in the prosecutor’s office are aimed at improving the activities of the latter, which should contribute to the creation of a qualitatively new basis for the activities and organization of the prosecutor’s office in accordance with European standards, as well as the construction of a new model of the prosecutor’s office, designed to effectively fulfill its constitutional functions.
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