On Improving Administrative and Legal Provision of HR Management in State Forensic Institutions and Professional Training of Forensic Experts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The problematic issues of administrative and legal provision HR management of state forensic institutions and professional training of forensic experts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine have been studied. Specific propositions for improving the regulatory and legal, organizational and methodological provision of this area of activity have been provided. The author has emphasized the need to reform the HR management system of state forensic institutions and professional training of forensic experts, which is a guarantee of filling these institutions with highly qualified personnel.
It has been offered to further study, develop and approve certain regulatory acts by orders of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on HR management of state forensic institutions and professional training of forensic experts, namely: standard staffs; instructions on the organization of personnel accounting, staffing and HR work, professional training of forensic experts of state forensic institutions and forensic experts who are not employees of state forensic institutions; provisions on the formation of employee pool for superior positions.
The emphasis has been placed on the need to revise and update the Handbook of Qualifications for employees of forensic research institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated from April 19, 2012 No. 611/5.
It has been proved that the Code of Professional Ethics of forensic experts has to be developed and approved at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which would be applied to all forensic experts of Ukraine regardless of departmental subordination and employment and should have a positive impact on the quality of judicial duties performed by forensic experts – drawing up qualitative and objective expert opinions. The guarantee of executing the requirements of the specified Code by the experts should be the normative consolidation of the expert’s responsibility for violation of professional ethics.
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