Legal Regulation of Expressing Opinions and Beliefs in Print Mass Media
The research is focused on the problems of legal regulation of expressing opinions and beliefs in print media. The scientific novelty of the research constitutes propositions on supplementing the Law of Ukraine “On Print Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine” with a new norm that would regulate the work of electronic pages of the print media.
The constitutional right to free expression of opinions and beliefs can be exercised by disseminating certain concepts in the media. Ways of expressing one’s own opinions and concepts in the press have been determined. It has been stated that a public organization or a political party can spread own opinions by creating own printed publication. An interview with a well-known public figure or politician in order to publish the text of a conversation in the press is also one of the ways to spread one’s own worldview. Another form of expression of one’s beliefs is the publication of an article prepared by a public or political organization, a well-known person in a newspaper or magazine.
The author has provided characteristics of the procedure for the foundation of the printed edition. Features of the legal status and activities of journalists to collect information about the opinions and beliefs of well-known people are also reflected in the work. The legal principles for the relationship between journalists, media owners and public figures in order to spread opinions and beliefs have been clarified.
The problems of legal regulation of placement of printed mass media materials on the Internet have been outlined. The author has analyzed propositions of scholars on legal regulation of disseminating information on the Internet. Suggestions on amending the legislation regulating the activities of print media on the placement of press materials on the Internet have been formulated.
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Copyright (c) 2021 S. A. Kucher

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