Peculiarities of Forming the Methodology for Investigating Criminal Offenses against the Authority of State Agencies in the Law Enforcement Sphere
The peculiarities for the formation of the methodology of investigating criminal offenses against the authority of state agencies in the field of law enforcement activity have been highlighted. It has been established that the specified group of criminal offenses includes: 1) interference in the activities of a law enforcement officer; 2) the threat of murder, bodily injury or destruction or damage to property in a generally dangerous manner in respect to an official or his relatives or in respect to a citizen performing public duties, used to terminate the activities of a citizen performing public duties or to change its nature in the interests of the person who makes threats; 3) unauthorized appropriation of powers combined with the commission of any socially dangerous actions.
The general concept for the formation of forensic methods of investigating criminal offenses of this type has been defined. That concept consists in observing procedural requirements for carrying out inquiry, taking into account the needs of law enforcement agencies, using the experience of scholars on this issue and experience of investigative and judicial agencies in investigating minor crimes and criminal offenses.
It has been clarified that during the formation of forensic methods of investigating criminal offenses, there were some controversial issues. They include: issues on the need to include matters about the separation of stages of investigation, forensic prevention, etc. into the structure of tactics of conducting covert (investigative) search actions.
It has been established that the structure of methods of investigating criminal offenses against the authority of state agencies in the field of law enforcement activity should consist of the following elements: 1) forensic characteristics of criminal offenses against the authority of state agencies in the field of law enforcement activity; 2) circumstances to be established; 3) features of the beginning of criminal proceedings, typical investigative situations, algorithms of investigative (search) and procedural actions at the initial and subsequent stages of investigation; 4) specific features of tactics of conducting certain investigative (search), covert investigative (search) and procedural actions; 5) general features of using special knowledge; 6) specific features of forensic prevention of criminal offenses against the authority of state agencies in the field of law enforcement activity.
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