Concept and Classification of Covert Embezzlement of the Property of Another
The author has studied the concept of covert embezzlement of the property of another, which is provided by the legislator and has analyzed the concepts revealed by leading scholars in the field of criminal law and in the field of criminalistics. The peculiarities inherent in theft in contrast to other lucrative criminal offenses have been highlighted. The statistical data for 2020 provided by the Office of the Prosecutor General regarding registered thefts on the territory of Ukraine have been analyzed. A statistical comparison of registered thefts with other lucrative criminal offenses and with all registered criminal offenses has been conducted.
The classification of covert embezzlement of the property of another provided by the legislator has been studied. The classifications of thefts provided by leading scholars in the field of criminalistics have been analyzed. The author has specified the criteria according to which the Office of the Prosecutor General classifies thefts. Each classification during its application in practice has been analyzed.
A separate type of thefts has been identified. The author has studied the devices by means of which the specified thefts are committed. The concept of devices used during the commission of thefts has been revealed. The author has provided courts verdicts on the territory of Ukraine on the fact of covert embezzlement of the property of another with the use of special devices. After the conducted analysis, the classification of thefts based on the acquired knowledge has been provided.
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