Experts Participation in Crime Scene Search while Investigating Murders
The need to involve experts into crime scene search while investigating murders has been substantiated. The categories of experts who are most often involved by investigators into crime scene search have been defined. The author has clarified the method of determining the normative aspect of involving the latter into murders’ crime scene search.
It has been determined that forensic inspectors, who are members of the investigative task force, are most often involved into investigations. It has been found out that the main assistance of the latter during the crime scene search is to carry out photo and video recording, as well as the detection, removal and packaging of traces and physical evidence.
It has been established that a canine handler with a service dog may be a member of the investigative task force. The author has provided conditions, which are the basis for the investigator to decide to use the dog at the scene. The author has formulated the basic tasks, which can help a canine handler with a service dog to solve them during murder’s crime scene search.
According to the analysis of investigative and judicial practice of investigating intentional homicides, the author has defined the frequency of involving forensic experts by investigators to crime scene search, where the dead body was found. The reasons why investigators do not examine the corpse at the place of its discovery have been established. The information that should be established and recorded during the examination of the corpse at the scene has been identified. Circumstances have been revealed that indicate the expediency of conducting an examination of the corpse at the crime scene, but not in the premises of the forensic examination bureau.
The author has provided circumstances that may take place in case of a murder and which are the grounds for the involvement of a specialized mobile laboratory of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The procedure of actions of the employees of the specified laboratory on a crime scene has been defined.
The specifics of the explosives specialist’s activity at the crime scene have been revealed, and the author has also determined the documents that are compiled by the latter based on the results of his participation in the crime scene search. The specifics of divers’ activities in the crime scene search while investigating a murder have been determined.
It has been substantiated that the procedural, theoretical and practical aspects of the participation of experts in the crime scene search while investigating murders, depending on the specifics of the methods of committing these crimes, need further research.
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