Some Peculiarities of the Tactics of Investigative (Search) Actions while Investigating Murders Committed in Relation to Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is becoming more widespread every day, but few people consider it as a prerequisite for other criminal offenses, among which the most serious and inevitable is murder, i.e. the onset of person’s death. According to the analysis of investigative and judicial practice during the investigation of murders, investigators do not fully investigate the preconditions that contributed to the crime, family relationships, the psychological state of those involved in the murder, etc. Most homicides are investigated and prosecuted without any evidence of domestic violence. Therefore, there is a need to develop a methodology for investigating murders committed in connection with the use of domestic violence, which would contain practical recommendations for conducting certain investigative (search) actions during the investigation of this category of cases.
The author has determined the tactical features of conducting crime scene search and interrogation during the investigation of murders committed in connection with the use of domestic violence; has analyzed the scientific literature, investigative and judicial practice.
The author has provided some peculiarities of tactics of carrying out certain investigative (search) actions during the investigation of murders committed in connection with the use of domestic violence. The most common investigative (search) actions have been analyzed. They are crime scene search and interrogation. The tactical techniquess that should be used during the investigation of this category of criminal offenses have been identified, and some statistics on the places of murder and the condition of persons involved in this crime have been provided.
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Copyright (c) 2021 K. A. Shapoval

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