Specific Features of Interaction between Criminal Police Divisions and Other Subjects within Counteracting Criminal Offenses against Morality
The author has defined the peculiarities of the interaction of criminal police units with other entities in counteracting criminal offenses against morality, which should help to solve the problem of scientific provision of the activities of law enforcement agencies in this area. Taking into account the set purpose, the specifics of the object and the subject matter of the research, the author has chosen the methodological tools. During the research the author has used the system of methods of scientific cognition: formal logic (abstraction, analogy, deduction, induction, synthesis) for the detailed clarification of the content of the considered issues; empirical – during the experimental study; method of system analysis – to determine the directions of introduction of innovative approaches to solve the problem; theoretical – during the study of scientific and educational literature; modeling – in the study of certain objects by modeling their individual features.
Based on the analysis of the current practice of law enforcement agencies in combating criminal offenses against morality, the author has defined the current features of the interaction of criminal police units with other entities in this area. Besides, the author has formulated own concept of the interaction of criminal police units with other entities in combating criminal offenses against morality; has provided general characteristics of such entities; and has highlighted some recommendations on the use of their capabilities by operative units of the National Police during the detection, documentation and investigation of these criminal offenses.
It has been established that criminal police units interact with other entities as part of the National Police. In fact the capabilities of Interpol and Europol are used. Besides, cooperation with other international and non-governmental organizations is envisaged. Certain features of the interaction of criminal police units with other entities in combating criminal offenses against morality can be used by law enforcement officers, as well as scholars in conducting further research in this area.
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