Essence and Content of the Competitiveness of the Officers of the National Police of Ukraine
It has been stated that the current Labor Code of Ukraine is outdated, the content of some of its provisions does not correspond to modern economic and social realities. Besides, a significant number of problematic issues remain unresolved, for example in regard to ensuring the guarantees of competitiveness of individual employees, in particular those who work in public authorities (in our case – law enforcement agencies), where one of the most important is certainly the National Police of Ukraine. It has been proved that competitiveness is a characteristic of the modern labor market. There are subjective and objective factors that affect the competitiveness of the profession of the National Police officer at the labor market.
The following key conclusions have been formulated regarding the essence of the category of “competitiveness” in the context of the issues mentioned in the article: 1) competitiveness of an employee of the National Police of Ukraine is a set of professional characteristics of an employee that characterize his ability to effectively perform the tasks and responsibilities assigned to him to protect law and order and combat offenses, the realization of the relevant rights; 2) the competitiveness of the profession is a set of working conditions that makes this profession more attractive and prestigious among other professions at the labor market; 3) a competitive employee is an employee who, by his professional and moral and business qualities, best meets the requirements of the vacant position and has certain advantages over other employees; 4) competitive profession is a profession that is the most attractive among other professions at the labor market of Ukraine.
It has been generalized that the competitiveness of employees may depend on various objective and subjective factors. Objective ones include certain personal qualities of a person of physical and moral nature (age, intellectual development, gender, psycho-physiological state, communication skills, stress resistance, as well as other personal data that characterize the moral and physical stability of employees). In our opinion, subjective factors include the availability of higher specialized education, a high level of efficiency, initiative, continuous professional development, etc.
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