The problem of defining the concept of state control in the banking sector

  • O. V. Tsarikova Open International University of Human Development «Ukraina»
Keywords: banking control, banking supervision, banking regulation, state control, banking sphere


The essence of banking control and scientific approaches to determine its differences from banking supervision have been researched; the place of banking control in the system of state control has been determined. The author has indicated on the absence of the definition of the concept of the state control in the banking sector in the legislation of Ukraine, as well as on the problem of the delineation of the terms “state control in the banking sector”, “state regulation of the banks activities”, “banking regulation” and “banking supervision”.

It has been established that the verification is a form of activity of the National Bank of Ukraine, which is inherent for banking control and banking supervision. Therefore, the notion of the state banking supervision involves the intervention of the state supervisory agency, which acts as a controller, in the activities of banks. It has been emphasized that control includes not only verification of the activity of the object under control and its legality, but also supervision (monitoring) over its realization and expediency. Therefore, the concept of “banking control” is identical to the concept of “banking supervision”.

It has been emphasized that it is expedient to distinguish the concepts of “state control in the banking sector” and “banking control”. It has been found out that banking control (supervision) is a complex of ordered actions aimed at monitoring the activities of banks, verification of the conformity of actions of controlled subjects with the established requirements of legislation in order to detect deviations from established norms, implementation of managerial influence, and the provision of recommendations. The state control in the banking sector should be considered as a function of public administration, which covers both the activities of the National Bank of Ukraine on the implementation of banking control (supervision) and the activities of other state power agencies.


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How to Cite
Tsarikova, O. V. (2018) “The problem of defining the concept of state control in the banking sector”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 79(4), pp. 265-272. Available at: (Accessed: 1February2025).