Competence and Authorization of the Security Service Of Ukraine as a Subject to Anti-Corruption and Organized Crime
The author of the article summarizes theoretical approaches to defining the concepts of authority and competence.
It is proved that the competence of the Security Service of Ukraine, as a subject of combating organized crime and corruption, is a set of powers (rights and responsibilities) based on tasks and functions, which are endowed by the Security Service of Ukraine in accordance with official regulations in the field of combating corruption. and organized crime. More specifically, the competence collectively shows what specific actions the Security Service of Ukraine can take to implement its goals and functions in the field of combating corruption and organized crime. Powers, in this case, are organic component of competence.
It is emphasized that the powers in general are the rights and responsibilities granted to the state authority by law, within which it performs certain actions, applies legal tools to influence public relations and interacts with other subjects of the state apparatus.
It is proved that the competence and authority express the practical side of the Security Service of Ukraine. Thus, the powers are the direct rights and responsibilities of the agency in the field of combating corruption and crimes committed by organizations, which are enshrined in the legal framework, the rules of which regulate all activities of the Security Service of Ukraine. In this case, if the competence characterizes the whole array of powers, the latter are not homogeneous. The powers of the Security Service of Ukraine as a subject of counteraction to corruption and organized crime are currently scattered in the system of general rights and responsibilities of the Security Service of Ukraine; powers of the Security Service of Ukraine in the field of operational and investigative activities; powers of the agency as a specialized entity for combating organized crime, etc.
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