Implementation of Registration Actions as Manifestation of the Legal Form of Public Administration
The issue of carrying out registration actions as a manifestation of the legal form of public administration at the present stage of development of national practice has been analyzed. The level of scientific developments in this area has been clarified and the lack of a unified approach to determining the implementation of registration actions in the context of the realization of legal forms by public administration entities has been emphasized, which leads to difficulties in law-enforcement. It has been concluded that the implementation of registration actions as a manifestation of the legal form of public administration involves official recognition of a certain fact by the state certifying that has legal consequences, and / or in order to ensure the exercise of certain rights by individuals. It has been found out that the result of these actions is the act – the expression of the will of the subject of public administration (decision) or registration actions. It has been substantiated that legal and preventive control is carried out during registration actions, where the subject of public administration has the right to check the scope of legal personality and their behavior of the subjects who applied for registration actions.
The implementation of registration actions in the context of providing administrative services with different content and public legal nature has been studied. The issues of the nature of legal relations formed during the implementation of registration actions between the recipients of relevant administrative services and public administration entities have been studied.
The author has emphasized problematic issues of delimitation of jurisdictions during the resolution of disputes by courts, which arise during the provision of administrative services for the implementation of registration actions. It has been concluded that relations arising during the implementation of registration actions between the subjects of public administration from the point of view of legal protection of the recipient of the relevant administrative service, may be of private or public legal nature.
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Copyright (c) 2020 V. I. Teremetskyi, Ya. V. Zhuravel

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