Determining the Concept of the Principles of Legal Regulation of Encouragement of the Employees of the National Police of Ukraine
The author has researched one of the directions of the modern formation and development of the rule of law state related to the improvement of various branches of law and the relevant legislation in the field of labor law, the definition of the concept and principles of legal regulation of encouragement applicable to the employees of the National Police of Ukraine.
The concept of the principles of legal regulation of encouragement of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine has been defined. It has been found out that encouragement as a mean of legal influence is stimulation of certain behavior of a person under the impact of a certain motive or motives. Legal regulation has been considered as a specific system of normative influence on socially significant, conscious-willed, repeated and stable social relations with the purpose of ordering them. Principles of legal regulation of encouragement of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine have been defined as basic ideas of the system of normative influence on legal relations concerning the encouragement of the specified employees, which determine the content and orientation of its norms and are characterized by systematic, mutually consistent, universal, comprehensive, subjective and regulatory nature. It has been offered to divide these principles into basic and optional ones.
The author has analyzed the scholars’ opinions on determining the concept of promotion in labor law, has studied the essence of promotion in labor law, the definition of legal regulation as a specific system with further clarification of the concept of “principles of legal regulation of promotion of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine”.
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