Functions and Authorities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Crime Scene
The functions and powers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of combating crime are researched. The expediency and necessity of studying the functions and powers as structural elements of the administrative and legal status of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is emphasized, which is especially relevant in connection with the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and bringing their service activities to NATO standards.
It is determined that the legal category of "authority" consists of the rights and obligations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including in the sphere of crime counteraction, aimed at the implementation of functions and tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the current legislation.
It is emphasized that in order to ensure the implementation of the said functions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they have the right to take measures to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as to provide comprehensive development of secure, economic, information, telecommunication, social and humanitarian infrastructure on the territories adjacent to the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk to implement, in accordance with strategic defense planning documents, measures to strengthen defense and security capabilities of the country.
Regulatory acts defining the functions and powers of certain structural units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are analyzed. The author's vision of the concept of "functions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" is offered and his own classification of functions and powers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is given.
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