Place of Executive Authorities in the Realization of the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
The issue of realizing the right to freedom of peaceful assembly is one of the most pressing and problematic issues in the development of democratic relations in society. Since the realization of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly implies that the subject of realizing this right has a duty to notify, the purpose of this article is to determine the place of executive authorities while notifying the intention to the realization of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly.
The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the article describes the executive agency as the object of notification of the intention to realize the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and the legal regulation of this object in obtaining such notice. In particular, the legal regulation of the powers of executive authorities, as objects of notification of the intention to realize the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and the legislative regulation of the latter to be such objects.
The current national legislation of Ukraine does not contain norms that would directly determine the executive authorities as objects of notification of the intention to realize the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. The existing legislative provisions on the object of the notification determine the object in general, using an alternative way of presenting the norm, which does not contribute to legal certainty and predictability. At the same time, this state of affairs, with the definition of the executive authorities as the object of notification, makes it impossible for the timely and complete fulfillment of the obligation of the holder of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, which may lead to unjustified application of legal liability measures.
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