Forensic Characteristics of Typical Traces of Criminal Offenses on the Circulation of Pornographic Objects
The article analyzes the scientific researches on definition of the concept and types of typical traces of criminal offenses and establishes that this topic is insufficiently investigated within the criminal offenses of pornographic facts. Accordingly, the purpose of this work is to analyze the scientific studies of typical traces of criminal offenses; study of the interdependence of typical traces of a criminal offense with other elements of forensic characteristics; determination of typical traces of criminal offenses on the facts of trafficking of pornographic objects.
In the practical activity of detecting, investigating and fixing typical traces of a criminal offense, it provides information about the person of the offender and how to commit the criminal offense. Therefore, this study can serve as a theoretical recommendation for dealing with typical traces of criminal offenses.
According to the results of the study, the interaction of the offender with the place of the criminal offense, tools and means, as well as the injured person leaves material and ideal traces, which in the detailed investigation, recording and analysis provide comprehensive information about the offense and the person who committed it. Typical traces of a criminal offense are trace information of a criminal offense, which manifests itself in changes in the material situation of the place of committing unlawful acts and the memory of people, and reflects how the offender committed the criminal offense, the tools and means used.
In addition, the typical traces of criminal offenses on the facts of trafficking of pornographic objects, as well as the methods of their forensic investigation and fixation are highlighted. The notion of typical traces as an element of forensic characteristics of the methodology of investigation of criminal offenses, as well as emphasized the presence of interdependence of typical traces of criminal offenses with other elements of criminalistic characteristics – a way of committing a criminal offense, the person of the offender, the offense.
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