Relevant problems of the implementation of international standards of administrative liability into national legislation of Ukraine

  • O. V. Lehka Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: adaptation of legislation, harmonization of legislation, stages of implementation of international standards, systematization of legislation


The relevant problems of the implementation of international standards of administrative liability have been studied. It has been substantiated that the implementation of these standards into national administrative legislation is an important component of the development of a legal and democratic state.
It has been noted that the adaptation of national legislation to the legislation of international organizations is carried out by the authorized agencies of state power through law-making, planning, coordination and control. It has been proved that the adaptation is an integral part of integration processes, a precondition for the harmonization of national legislation with the legislation of international organizations.
The current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of the adaptation to international documents has been analyzed; the necessity of the development and adoption of a new codified act focused on the issues of administrative liability, which would bring into accord the norms of this institution with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and international legal standards in the field of administrative liability, has been substantiated. The author has established the necessity of the codification of the norms of administrative liability, which allow to provide a mechanism for the implementation of international standards of administrative liability into national administrative legislation. Herewith, in case of such systematization, there is a possibility to implement a single approach not only to the issues of the implementation of administrative liability, but also to the procedure of bringing to it and the application of coercive measures.
On the basis of scientific research of the adaptation processes and harmonization of domestic legislation, the author has revealed the process of the implementation of international legal standards. The emphasis has been made that there is a number of problems in the implementation of international legal standards of administrative liability that should be resolved. It has been stressed that the existing unsystematic norms regulating the issue of administrative liability require the implementation of international legal standards into each regulatory act that provides administrative liability.


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How to Cite
Lehka, O. V. (2018) “Relevant problems of the implementation of international standards of administrative liability into national legislation of Ukraine”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 79(4), pp. 192-198. Available at: (Accessed: 8February2025).