Educational Activities of Research Institutions in the Field of Expert Ensuring of Justice: Urgent Issues of Administrative and Legal Regulation
The purpose of the article is to study actual issues of administrative and legal regulation of providing educational activities to research institutions in the sphere of expert ensuring justice. It is devoted to the clarification of certain issues of the activity of research institutes of forensic examinations, which provide educational activities at the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education (preparation of applicants for higher education of the degree of doctor of philosophy). The modern administrative legislation is analysed and the proposals are given for improving educational activities, which affects the development of expert ensuring of justice in general.
Studying of various scientific works on the problems of administrative and legal regulation of higher education institutions and scientific institutions during the training of highly qualified personnel (doctors of philosophy) allowed the author to form his own position regarding the educational activities of research institutes in the sphere of expert ensuring justice. The author focuses on the existing shortcomings and gaps in the administrative and legal regulation of the activities of research institutions, in particular, the issues related to the organization of the postgraduate departments’ departments and the problem of introducing information into the General Pablic Electronic Base on Questions of Education.
It is emphasized the special legal nature of the Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations, who, besides forensic, scientific, scientific and technical, scientific and organizational activity, is attracted to the implementation of educational activities, which directly affects the development in the field of expert ensuring justice. The educational activity of Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations in the field of higher education is considered as an additional type of activity of the scientific institution.
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Copyright (c) 2019 O. V. Agapova

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