Characteristics of the forms of activity of the prosecutor’s office in combating corruption

  • I. O. Klochko University of Modern Knowledge
Keywords: prosecutor’s offices, forms, counteraction, prevention, corruption, offenses


The notion of the form of activity of the prosecutor’s office in combating corruption has been formulated; the systems of administrative and legal forms of counteracting corruption have been considered; the system of forms of counteracting corruption, which are applied in practice in the activities of the prosecutor’s office, has been determined.

It has been established that the diversity of forms of counteracting corruption is due to several reasons. First, the legislation of Ukraine defines a large number of entities that are subjects to the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, which creates the need for the development and adoption of measures to prevent and counteract corruption in each of these subjects. Secondly, anti-corruption measures are diverse in their content, and therefore they may be expressed in appropriate forms.

The form of activities of the prosecutor’s office for combating corruption is defined as the way of external expression of homogeneous actions, methods and means used by the relevant structural units and individual officials of the prosecutor’s office while performing their tasks and functions in the field of combating corruption.

It has been substantiated that the activities of the prosecutor’s office in combating corruption can be expressed in various forms. With the adoption of new laws “On the Prosecutor’s Office” and “On the Prevention of Corruption”, the system of forms of the studied area of the activity was substantially expanded due to, in particular, the analytical and accounting, organizational and legal forms. However, the most common forms of anti-corruption activities of the prosecutor’s office remain administrative and supervisory, control and coordination forms. For their further development and improvement, it is necessary to develop a special order of the Prosecutor General’s Office on the Department for Combating Corruption, as well as in the Law of Ukraine “On the Prevention of Corruption” to clarify the status of the prosecutor’s offices as a specially authorized anti-corruption agency.


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How to Cite
Klochko, I. O. (2018) “Characteristics of the forms of activity of the prosecutor’s office in combating corruption”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 79(4), pp. 185-191. Available at: (Accessed: 8February2025).