The concept of a certain forensic technique and its types
The forensic technique is one of the sections of forensic science which task is to develop recommendations for the effective investigation of certain types of crimes. Nowadays there is no consensus among scholars about the concept of a certain forensic technique, its types, structure and tasks.
The objective of the work is to determine the concept of a certain forensic technique and its types, taking into account the contemporary development of scientific ideas about criminalistics.
The author of the article has revealed the modern tasks of a certain forensic technique, has determined the sphere of distribution of forensic recommendations. The classification of methods of investigation of certain types of crimes has been offered taking into account the taxonomy, which will lead the construction, implementation of new and modernization of existing forensic techniques to a new level.
It has been noted that the current development of criminalistics leads to the need to apply forensic recommendations both at the stage of pre-trial investigation, and during the judicial review of criminal proceedings. In this regard, one of the tasks of a certain forensic technique is the development of methodological recommendations not only for investigators, but also for prosecutors, judges.
A certain forensic technique in the opinion of the author is the system of typed criminalistic recommendations in a certain form stipulated by investigative (court) situations and by the subject matter of proving regarding the most appropriate complexes of procedural actions, operative and search activities and tactical operations, their combination with the use of technical and forensic means and tactical methods according to the type of crimes aimed at the effective detection, consolidation, evaluation and use of evidence in criminal proceedings.
Types of certain forensic techniques are allocated on various features, which take into account both criminal and criminalistic criteria and make up the following levels: group, species, generic, intergeneric (complex).
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