Perspectives of implementing software packaged system “Personnel Management System of the National Police of Ukraine” into the activities of the National Police of Ukraine
It has been stated that the effective solution of the tasks of human resourcing and personnel management is one of the main tasks of any organization, institution or enterprise. The National Police of Ukraine is not an exception, and defective planning can lead to the loss of valuable human resources.
It has been stressed that nowadays the issues of informatization and automation of human resourcing and personnel management are being paid very little attention, while it is practically impossible to solve the tasks of human resourcing and personnel management in the current situation without the use of information and telecommunication technologies. The tendency in the development of telecommunication technologies in the field of human resources and personnel management is the movement towards the use of electronic systems and software package systems built on WEB-technologies.
It has been alleged that the software package system “Personnel Management System of the National Police of Ukraine”, which was fully designed and developed by the employees of the research laboratory dealing with information protection and cybersecurity of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs customized by the Human Resourcing Department of the National Police of Ukraine, has no analogues among domestic and foreign software products. From the first days of test running of the software package system’s modules, it became clear that its implementation into the activities of the National Police of Ukraine would provide significant advantages over the usual, manual, “paper” way of working. Compared to desktop software products, the software package system has significant advantages due to its WEB-oriented nature.
The experience of exploiting certain modules of the software package system has proved that the use of electronic systems and software package systems built on WEB-technologies is a very timely and progressive step that significantly improves the efficiency of the activities of the entire National Police of Ukraine in the whole.
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Copyright (c) 2018 V. A. Korshenko

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