Features of administrative and legal status of the National Police of Ukraine as the subject of preventive activities

  • V. I. Felyk Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Law National University "Odessa Law Academy"
Keywords: National Police of Ukraine, preventive work, activities, status, subject.


The article is devoted to determining the peculiarities of administrative and legal status of the National Police of Ukraine as the subject of preventive activities. Scientific approaches to determining the notion and structure of administrative and legal status of the state authority have been studied; the meaning of the concept of “administrative and legal status of the National Police as the subject of preventive activities” has been revealed; the peculiarities of administrative and legal status of the National Police of Ukraine as the subject of preventive activities based on the analysis of legislation in this area have been characterized.

It has been established that crime prevention as the direction of the National Police activities is a system of police measures and powers, methods and ways of their implementation, carried out in order to prevent offenses’ commission or to reduce their negative effects, to decline the crime rate in the country and in some regions, as well as to ensure the high level of public safety and order. It has been indicated that administrative and legal status of the National Police as the subject of preventive activities undergone significant changes compared to the status of the former militia. In particular, the author has called as positive the predictions of separate structural unit responsible for preventive activities, empowerment in the field of crime prevention, etc. At the same time it has been specified on the need to clarify the rights and duties of the National Police as the subject of preventive activities within a separate departmental act. It has been proved that the feature of administrative and legal status of the National Police as the subject of preventive activities is, above all, in those powers operated by the police in the course of such activities. Besides, certain features of the status are manifested in other elements, including objective and tasks of preventive activities, organizational structure of the National Police as the subject of preventive activities.


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How to Cite
Felyk, V. I. (2018) “Features of administrative and legal status of the National Police of Ukraine as the subject of preventive activities”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 181-189. Available at: https://visnyk.univd.edu.ua/index.php/VNUAF/article/view/125 (Accessed: 23February2025).