The criminalistical characteristics of crimes committed in the sphere of economic activity

  • V. D. Pcholkin Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
  • O. V. Ivantsova Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: criminalistical characteristics, crime, method of committing, subject of committing, criminal, traces, crime situation.


The issue of the definition of the criminalistical characteristics of crimes as a scientific category has been considered. It is emphasized on the great importance of criminalistical characteristics for successful solution of theoretical and practical problems of investigation procedures of certain types of crimes in the sphere of economic activity.

The views of scientists on the definition of the criminalistical characteristics of crimes have been analyzed. It is established what is common and what is different in these definitions. The understanding concepts of the criminalistical characteristics of crimes have been indicated.

Based on scientific research of criminalists the basic components of the criminalistical characteristics of crimes have been established. The dominant role of method of committing a crime among the main elements of the criminalistical characteristics
of crimes has been emphasized. The attention is focused on methods of committing crimes in the sphere of economic activity. The features of traces of crimes in economic activities as part of the criminalistical characteristics of crime have been revealed. The importance of the subject of a crime as a structural element of the criminalistical characteristics has been proved. The existing scientific positions on the definition of a criminal as the main structural element of the criminalistical characteristics of crimes in economic activity have been outlined. It was shown different criteria classification of a criminal. The features of the place of a crime have been grounded. Two approaches to understanding the situation of a crime have been analyzed. The necessity of accurately determining the time of committing a crime for the purpose of correct classification of a crime and setting loss has been proved.

It was made a conclusion about the importance of the elements of the criminalistical characteristics of crimes both in theory and for actual use in practice.


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How to Cite
Pcholkin, V. D. and Ivantsova, O. V. (2018) “The criminalistical characteristics of crimes committed in the sphere of economic activity”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 151-159. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).