The current state of legal regulation of combating organized crime of general criminal focus by criminal police units

  • Y. O. Morozova Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: criminal police units, legal regulation, organized crime, general criminal focus.


criminal police units, in particular: legal relations arising between different criminal police units; legal relations arising in the course of realizing operative and search activities; legal relations arising between criminal police units and persons who are subjects of cultivation; legal relations arising between criminal police units and investigator; legal relations arising between criminal police units as a result of internal interaction; legal relations arising while checking compliance with the law within the implementation of operative and search criminal police units’ counteraction organized crime of regulatory authorities; legal relations arising between criminal police units and persons who secretly cooperate with them; legal relations arising between criminal police units as a result of external interaction.

However, considering their legal nature, the author has singled out regulations, which are legal basis for their existence, which include: the Constitution of Ukraine; international and legal acts; codified regulations; laws of Ukraine; subordinate legal acts in the form of decrees of the President of Ukraine and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; subordinate regulations in the form of inter-ministerial and departmental orders; departmental regulations of closed nature.

As a result of conducted study it has been stated that the current state of legal regulation of operative and search counteraction by criminal police units is characterized by both bilateral and multilateral and diverse in their legal nature legal relations regulated by a large number of legal acts.


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How to Cite
Morozova, Y. O. (2018) “The current state of legal regulation of combating organized crime of general criminal focus by criminal police units”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 120-129. Available at: (Accessed: 31March2025).