• M. V. Pampura Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: legal awareness, deformation of legal awareness, forms of deformation of legal awareness, legal nihilism, legal idealism transformation process


The content of the concept of “deformation of legal awareness” has been revealed. The basic modern scientific approaches to the classification of the forms of deformation of legal awareness have been considered. The peculiarities of legal nihilism and legal idealism as the main forms of deformation of legal awareness have been studied. The basic directions of overcoming deformation of legal awareness in the transition society have been established.

It has been determined that legal nihilism is a general historical phenomenon: such a form of deformation of legal awareness is present in any society; however, reflecting the mentality of any nation and at the same time constituting its integral part, legal nihilism has unique, specific manifestations in the legal awareness in each nation. Accordingly, the author has suggested to consider this form of deformation of legal awareness as something peculiar to a specific nation in its ethnic and social, political and legal sense, evolving depending on the specific historical, socio-economic, geographical, cultural, linguistic and other factors.

It has been noted that nowadays the main source of deformation of legal awareness is the critical state of Ukrainian society. Thus, social tension, economic problems, difficult moral and psychological state of the population and many other factors do not contribute to overcome legal nihilism, but also constantly reproduce and increase it. The author states the following main directions of overcoming the state of deformation of legal awareness: the raise of political and legal culture of citizens, their legal and moral awareness; improvement of the current legislation; prevention of offenses; strengthening law and order; guaranteeing respect and full protection of individual rights; improvement of the quality of legal education of the population; training of highly qualified staff of lawyers; the early completion of legal reform, etc.


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How to Cite
Pampura, M. V. (2018) “THE MAIN FORMS OF THE DEFORMATION OF LEGAL AWARENESS IN THE TRANSITION UKRAINIAN SOCIETY”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 41-50. Available at: (Accessed: 28January2025).