• A. V. Kyrychok Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: jurisdictional form of protection, non-jurisdictional form of protection, judicial protection, jurisdiction, means of protection


Based on the analysis of the current legislation and legal views of the scientific community the author has researched the forms of protection of the rights of business entities’ members. Special attention is focused on judicial protection as one of jurisdictional forms of protection.

It is noted that for more effective implementation of the protection of civil rights there is a system (mechanism) of protection, which is the division of powers for protection according to forms and methods. There are several different opinions of scholars concerning the classification of the forms of protection, but the most common is the division into jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional forms. Jurisdictional method is divided into judicial order of protection and protection with the assistance of other state agencies, which is also called administrative. Non-jurisdictional form is presented by self-defense, protection via a notary and mediation.

The most common form of jurisdictional protection of the rights of business entities’ members is judicial protection. It is implemented by the assistance of protection means of general rights under the Art. 16 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Art. 20 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine and special rights prescribed by other law norms. Besides, controversial is still the issue on the possibility of using the ways of protection of the rights that are not regulated by the law, but that may be effective.

Particular attention is paid to differentiation of the protection of the rights of business entities’ members into forms of jurisdictional protection and judicial protection by methods not provided by the law. Some views of the scientific community regarding these issues have been considered.

In order to harmonize the legislation regulating legal relations of the protection of the rights of business entities’ members the author has suggested to amend the Art. 16 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Art. 20 of the Commercial Code of Ukraine, securing the possibility to protect civil rights by other means, which are not prescribed by the law, but may be effective.


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How to Cite
Kyrychok, A. V. (2018) “SOME ISSUES OF JURISDICTIONAL FORM OF PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF BUSINESS ENTITIES’ MEMBERS”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 136-143. Available at: (Accessed: 25April2024).