Adaptation of national legislation to European Union laws: doctrinal and legal aspect

  • O. S. Pronevych Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: adaptation of legislation, acquis communautaire, approximate adequacy of laws, approximation, harmonization of legislation, priority areas for laws adaptation.


The researcher has examined doctrinal and legal component of the complex phenomenon of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the European Union laws. Particular attention is paid to the elucidation of the characteristics of the adaptation of legislation, analysis of normative and legal principles of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the acquis communautaire, the characteristics of tested models of the adaptation of legislation, clarifying practical significance of the adaptation of legislation in priority areas.

It has been emphasized that adaptation of legislation is a dynamic systematic sided process of harmonization (convergence, alignment, adjustment) of Ukrainian laws and other normative and legal acts in line with the acquis communautaire in order to overcome economic “isolationism”, eliminating conflicts of law, achievement of consistency of legislation and uniformity of legal regulation of certain types of public relations. Adaptation of legislation is not comprehensive and mainly has applied nature. In fact, it is the initial stage of attainment of compatibility (reconcilability, equivalence) with the EU laws in certain areas, defining for deepening trade and economic relations, the gradual integration of the recipient country to the EU internal market. Adaptation of legislation should be conceptually comprehended in the broader context of European legal integration that is based on an integrated phase triad “adaptation of legislation – harmonization of legislation – unification of legislation”.

The effectiveness of adaptive and legal activities depends on the availability of scientifically grounded doctrine of forming “Europeanized” foreign economic legal regime, balancing appropriate institutional mechanism, social emphasis of legislative and law enforcement activities, consolidation of efforts of public authorities and civil society institutions.


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How to Cite
Pronevych, O. S. (2018) “Adaptation of national legislation to European Union laws: doctrinal and legal aspect”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 59-69. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).