Directions of increasing efficiency of professional psychological training of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine

  • V. I. Barko Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
  • V. P. Ostapovic State Research Institute MIA of Ukraine
  • V. V. Barko State Research Institute MIA of Ukraine
Keywords: police, law enforcement agencies, professional psychological training, regulatory provision, motivation, stress.


Referring the works of domestic and foreign scholars, as well as own research the authors have revealed theoretical and psychological grounds of improving professional psychological training of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine. Domestic and foreign experience of organizing and conducting psychological training of police officers, the current regulatory basis of professional police training has been analyzed. Based on the conducted analysis the authors have indicated that nowadays the psychological provision of the National Police is neglected; important issues related to the need of police armament by the developed psychological skills to support emotional stability and countering stress, improving communications and establishing psychological contact with the public, optimizing socio-psychological climate in groups, counteracting official abuses and corruption in the police activities, are not adequately resolved.

The authors have provided suggestions to develop regulations that would have settled the organization and conduction of such police training. The authors have offered to supplement the list of professional training by professional psychological training of police officers, to develop the Comprehensive program of organization and conduction of professional psychological training of police officers and to approve Regulations on organization of the system of psychological provision of the National Police of Ukraine in the prescribed manner.


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How to Cite
Barko, V. I., Ostapovic, V. P. and Barko, V. V. (2018) “Directions of increasing efficiency of professional psychological training of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 77(2), pp. 237-244. Available at: (Accessed: 28March2025).