Characteristics of legal regulation of the lease contract of non-residential premises, buildings, facilities

Keywords: building, optionality, lease, individual legal regulation, non-residential buildings, facilities, legal regulation, independence of members, land plot, property.


The legal nature of legal regulation of lease contract of non-residential premises, buildings and facilities has been analyzed. The features, types of legal regulation and regime of private law, which is applied to this contract, have been characterized. Taking into account the nature of distributed regime the author has offered the instruments of legal regulation.

The author has suggested to consider inappropriate the review of legal norms of various branches of law, regulating the obligation to transfer the property for use as a comprehensive legal institution, because: the objects of use may vary and, of course, can not be combined in a single legal structure, including agreements on housing and land are different by the properties of the object, which determines the terms of the agreement and its legal regulation; nowadays there is not enough practice of implementing legislation in the sphere of using property that would consolidate the use of different branches of law to the legal relations in using property. Civil and legal regulation of lease contract of non-residential premises, buildings, facilities is divided into normative and individual.


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How to Cite
MorozovаY. V. (2018) “Characteristics of legal regulation of the lease contract of non-residential premises, buildings, facilities”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 77(2), pp. 205-212. Available at: (Accessed: 27March2025).