The urgency of the study of European impact on the formation of juvenile justice in Ukraine is due to the creation of a juvenile justice system in Ukraine. The objective of the article is to summarize the experience of the European Union countries in the field of criminal justice regarding minors in order to develop propositions for determining the basic conceptual principles for the implementation of juvenile justice in Ukraine.
It has been noted that the system of guaranteeing the rights and interests of minors, who entered into conflict with the law, as required by the Concept for the development of criminal justice for minors in Ukraine remains undeveloped and does not work at a sufficiently efficient level in Ukraine.
Therefore, the relevant task of the science of criminal procedural law is the development of theoretical recommendations and practical propositions for the construction of such a criminal process in the content and form, which would meet modern European standards in this area, where one of the directions of its development is the improvement of criminal justice in relation to children, including by introducing juvenile justice. The realization of the task of creating a proper juvenile justice system in Ukraine, which exists in most European countries, is impossible without taking into account the existing world experience in this sphere, which will be the key to the efficiency and effectiveness of the domestic model of juvenile justice.
By the results of the analysis of the experience of some EU countries in the field of criminal justice for children, a number of common features for them has been allocated. It has been suggested to believe that these features, reflecting the essence and specificity of legal regulation, organizational and staffing provision of juvenile justice in the countries of one legal family, can serve as conceptual principles for the introduction of criminal justice for children as an element of juvenile justice in Ukraine.
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