Legal regulation of the activities of the reviewing police personnel commissions of the USSR in the 20-s of the XX century
The scientific study is devoted to the peculiarities of the activities of the reviewing police personnel commissions of the USSR in the 20s of the 20th century. The normative legal acts of the Ukrainian SSR, which established the grounds for the dismissal of police officers, were studied. The legislative and by-laws of the Ukrainian SSR, which regulated the procedure for the creation and operation of commissions for reviewing the personnel of the Ukrainian SSR police in the 20s of the XX century, have been studied. Archival materials reflecting the results of the activities of such commissions have also been studied. New archival documents, which were contained in the Central State Archive of higher authorities and administration, State Archives of Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions, have been introduced into scientific circulation.
It has been established that the procedure and grounds for dismissal from service in the Soviet police were regulated by the Rules of Service in the Police and Criminal Investigation of the USSR and the Standard Collective Agreement of Soviet Administrative Employees. The legal basis for the activity of commissions for reviewing the personnel of the police was the departmental by-laws of the Main Directorate of the Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Police of the NKVD of the USSR. The specifics of reviewing the personnel of the police in each province depended on the number of employees and the meticulousness of the local police leadership.
It has been found that the normative legal acts that regulated the procedure and conditions of activity of commissions for reviewing the personnel of the police established special, exclusive grounds for the dismissal and bringing to the legal responsibility of police officers.
It has been concluded that the activity of the commissions for reviewing the personnel of the police contradicted the legislative and by-laws in force at the time, which regulated the service and labour relations of the police officers.
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