Concept, Essence and Characteristics of Aviation Personnel in the System of the Aviation Component of the Internal Affairs of Ukraine
The scientific research is focused on studying the concept and essential characteristics of aviation personnel in the system of aviation component of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The relevance of the article is due to global trends, which are associated with the fact that aviation is becoming a key element in the development of many countries. The use of airspace for various purposes is becoming an increasingly important and sometimes a priority direction in the political, military and social strategy of most countries, including Ukraine. Legal issues of interaction between the Ukrainian system of internal affairs and the aviation system are important for Ukraine in addition to specific domestic economic, technical and legal problems in this area. A legal issue in regard to the organization of the movement of aircraft is a systemically interconnected group of special legal principles of air law. A special place in the system is occupied by the regulation of labor relations of aviation personnel. Accordingly, addressing the problems that arise in the framework of labor relations in the field of aviation is one of the important components of the analysis of aviation as a component of the internal affairs system. The concept of aviation personnel in both civil and state aviation has been studied in the framework of this article. The purpose of theoretical research is a systematic review and clarification of the concept of "aviation personnel for further analytical work and in-depth study of existing problems that may arise in the system of aviation component of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Certain concepts were generalized; key differences between aviation and aviation ground personnel were identified; and basic conceptual imperfections were identified through the synthesis and analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2021 L. V. Mohilevskyi, Yu. V. Bershadska

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