Public and Service Activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: Current Issues
The author has studied scientific concepts on the introduction of service-oriented activities of public administration authorities aimed at meeting the needs and interests of society through the provision of quality public services to the population, coordinated with long-term goals of society and state’s development.
It has been proved that public and service activity of public administration authorities is really possible and actually feasible under the condition of creation and functioning of optimal normative, material and resource, organizational base for its guaranteeing (availability of legislative and other normative and legal documents, functioning of specialized service centers for providing administrative services with the staff of qualified civil servants and electronic databases, etc.).
It has been emphasized that the content of public and service activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is: a) a separate function of the service state, the content of which is to change the ideology, forms and methods in the work of law enforcement agencies; b) one of the externally-oriented functions of a specially created state institution along with such functions as regulatory, supervisory and law enforcement, c) the basis for the authorized entity to implement the tasks and functions of the state to ensure human rights and freedoms, as well as the interests of society and the state, keeping public order and security, combating crime, d) high-quality and affordable provision of administrative services to specific individuals in the form of licensing, registration and other similar actions in the law enforcement sphere.
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