• O. V. Khudiakova Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: contract, police officer, police, employment contract, service, agreement, employee


The problems of legal regulation of implementing the contract of service within the National Police of Ukraine have been considered. The difference of the employment contract from the contract has been determined. It has been specified that the contract is a type of term employment contract. The author’s definition of the concept of «contract of service within the police» has been provided. This concept is offered to understand as a written term agreement between a citizen of Ukraine and the state, on behalf of which police acts, according to which a citizen is obliged to fulfill his duties, comply with the Oath, internal labor regulations and requirements of regulations; and the state is obliged to carry out timely payment and in the full extent and to provide all conditions of service and social protection provided by the current law and agreement of parties.

It has been stated that the specific of functioning of the National Police of Ukraine, as well as any state authority imposes certain features on the content of the contract. Thus, most of the working conditions of police officers are enshrined in the law. Considering this the parties are limited within contractual regulation of labor relations. The contractual nature of the relevant relations is manifested to a greater extent in the consent of a citizen of Ukraine to work on the conditions established by the state. However, the possibility of contractual regulation of certain aspects of employment relations of police officers is provided by the national legislation. For example, p. 2 of the Art. 63 of the Law of Ukraine «On the National Police» provides an opportunity for the parties to determine the term of the contract in certain cases.


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How to Cite
Khudiakova, O. V. (2018) “CONTRACT OF SERVICE WITHIN THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 176-183. Available at: (Accessed: 1October2024).