• I. V. Kyryeyeva Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: land ownership, land use rights, termination of land rights, public needs in land, land alienation, procedure of terminating land rights


The author has accomplished the analysis of some elements of the mechanism of compulsory redemption of lands for public needs in order to identify the gaps in the field of legal regulation of the mechanism of suspension of land rights as a result of redemption for public needs and finding their solutions. Based on the analysis of scientific literature it is concluded that nowadays the studied issues of terminating relations of the lease of a land as a result of the redemption of the leased land from the owner to meet public needs are not sufficiently developed and can be improved.

The author stressed on the objective nature of the forced termination of the subjective land right as a result of its redemption for public needs regarding the legality of landowner’s conduct. The state authorities or local self-governments only certify appropriate public need in a particular land by their power decisions. The author of the article has revealed the presence of gaps among the range of public needs, to meet which it is possible the land redemption. It is offered to add this range with the need to implement international obligations by the state.

Based on the analysis of current legislation it is concluded about the lack of legal provision of the procedure to inform tenants of land about redemption of lands for public needs. Special attention is paid on the need to amend the legislation by the obligations of the owner of a land, who received properly executed notice of redemption of the land, to notify the tenant about the redemption of the related leased land.


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How to Cite
Kyryeyeva, I. V. (2018) “IMPROVEMENT OF LEGAL REGULATION OF TERMINATING SUBJECTIVE RIGHTS ON LANDS AS A RESULT OF THEIR REDEMPTION FOR PUBLIC NEEDS”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 170-176. Available at: (Accessed: 26April2024).